2015, Au revoir!
Another year has passed, maybe because of age or by the speed of life, it seems to slip away faster…
This year was a GOOD year, with lots of work and a year that we have spent less time around here and one of the reasons is the same one, some of the reasons we have showed you before, other reasons we will show you now one or two pictures with the promise to talk more about them in 2106, the year that began with new a work leaving us with little time to breath even when we need breathing just to say alive and well.
Uma das novidades para 2016 é o lançamento de um espaço onde poderão alugar um pouco da “nossa alma”, desde mesas a cadeiras a pratos e tudo mais… mas desse acontecimento falaremos coma devida pompa e circunstância.
One of the new things for 2016 is the launching of a new section on the website for you to rent a little of “our soul”, from tables, chairs, dishes, to a lot of things… but about that event we will address it with in the right time and circumstance.
Quando fizemos esta selecção de 2015 colocámos tudo numa pasta e a desorganização, ou melhor, a composição aleatória fez-nos pensar nesta escolha como um reflexo das memórias que nos vão aparecendo na nossa cabeça ao pensar em 2015, e ao longo da vida, não mexemos em nada e deixámos esta fluidez caótica vir ao de cima neste artigo, que ao contrário dos outros,são pensados para contar uma história, estes mostram a história do ano que passou onde os momentos se misturam e as memórias se confundem num turbilhão saudável daquilo que é parte da nossa vida, o nosso trabalho.
When we made this selection of pictures from 2015, we put everything in a folder and the disorganised items, or the random composition made us think about the images we chose as a reflection of our memories that emerge from our head while thinking about 2015, and as we live, we chose to leave it as it is and let this chaotic fluidity to come afloat in this post, unlike all the other that are carefully composed to tell a story, this one shows the story of the past year where moments blend and memories are mixed up in a healthy swirl of what is part of our life, our work.
In the end Thank You to All of you that joined us at the table, shared their stories and chose us to tell them and to make them last forever.
De Alma e Coração e Todos os que connosco fizeram esta selecção possível
De Alma e Coração and to All that with us made this selection possible